How To Plant A Plant
As you begin your planting journey, one of the most essential skills you should know is how to plant each plant in your garden or yard properly. While this may seem like a pretty straightforward process (dig, place, cover), there’s a lot more to it than you might think.
Without the right preparations and planning, your new plants may not last very long. So, you must take the time and care to plant everything correctly. Once you get the hang of the process, it will become second nature, and your garden or yard will start flourishing soon enough.
Step One: Inspect Your Soil
Not all soil is created equally, and it’s up to you to determine what kind of soil you have around your house. Ideally, the dirt will be somewhat clumpy and crumbly. You want it to be thick enough to retain moisture and nutrients but not so thick that the roots will struggle to take hold.
If your soil is mud or clay, you’ll need to add extra fertilizer or manure to help your plants survive. If you have sandy soil (extra loose and not very clumpy), you have to add organic material so your plants get sufficient nutrients and water.
Step Two: Plot Your Planting Site
If you’re still early in your planting project, you may have grand ideas of what kinds of plants you want in your garden or yard. However, you can’t just stick a bunch of random plants together and hope for the best. Consider how the roots will spread and compete for nutrients which can make it harder for each plant to survive. Instead, it’s best to plan where you want each plant to go. While some factors may get in the way (e.g., rocks, existing roots, pipes, etc.), plotting where to put each plant will yield the best results and increase the chance for your plants to thrive.
Step Three: Dig the Right Hole
To plant a plant into the ground from a container, all you have to do is dig a slightly wider hole (but not deeper) than the container itself. You should be able to set the plant in the hole comfortably.
If your plant has loose roots, look for the “tide line” that indicated where the soil was at on the stem. This line will tell you how deeply to dig.
As you dig, look for rocks and existing root systems. If there are roots in the way, you may be able to cut them out or you might have to look for a new planting site. Small rocks won’t be a big issue, but if there are large boulders, try to remove them so the roots can expand through loose soil instead.
Step Four: Cover and Water the Plant
Once your plant is in the hole (sans container), cover it with fertilizer, then soil, then water. The amount of fertilizer and water depends on the type of plant you’re planting. Refer to its care guide or look online to verify how many nutrients it needs and how often to water it.
Get Your Plants From One Plant Shop
No matter what kinds of plants you like, we have a wide selection of trees, flowers, shrubs, and fruiting plants at One Plant Shop. Contact us today to help you determine which plants will thrive in your garden or yard. Happy planting!