Botanical Name: Pinus canariensis
This African native evergreen tree is recognized by its thick straight trunk and dark green-like needles. These trees are fast growing and can grow in challenging...
Botanical Name: Chondropetalum tectorum
A grass-like, slow growing plant used to add style to any garden or landscape. These plants have brownish flowers,which bloom discreetly. Their maturing siz...
Botanical Name: Prunus caroliniana
These low maintenance shrubs are commonly used to create privacy or outline a property and are known to live long. They have a moderate growth rate with a mature...
Botanical Name: Pinus canariensis
A highly adaptable tree with lots of sunlight exposure. These trees have a green foliage and are considered to have fast growth rates. Their height potential is 3...
Botanical Name: Ribes viburnifolium
A moderate growing shrub native to California with minimal maintenance. Only requires limited to full sunlight exposure and occasional watering. Red flowers blo...
Botanical Name: Salvia 'Celestial Blue'
A semi-green leaf shrub native to California with a slow growth rate. These shrubs are unique due to their vibrant dark blue-purple flowers, which bloom in ...
Botanical Name: Psidium guajava 'China White'
After an average of 1-2 years, these moderate growing trees harvest all year-round with moderate watering. They prefer partial to direct sunlight expos...
Botanical Name: Ulmus parvifolia
Chinese Elm trees are fast growing and adaptable with transplant resiliency. In the spring to summer is when these trees bloom with yellow flowers. Their maturing ...
Botanical Name: Magnolia Soulangeana
A small Asian tree with a moderate growth rate. These small but mighty trees bloom with pink flowers in spring to fall and require partial to full sunlight exp...
Botanical Name: Quercus agrifolia
Coast Live Oaks provide true adaptaility to different landscapes from hot to cold temperatures. These trees are at their best when grown naturally and show off th...
Botanical Name: Lantana camara 'Confetti'
A a moderate growing shrub with bright pink, yellow, and purple flowers, which bloom between spring to fall. They average at 3 ft. in height and 6 ft. in ...
Botanical Name: Russelia equisetiformis 'Coral Fountain'
A Central American/ Mexico native shrub commonly used as an outline of property or to add color to gardens. With limited to full sunlight e...