Botanical Name: Cuphea hyssopifolia 'Rosea'
A shrub with purple ruffled-like flowers between spring to fall. They average at 2 ft. in height and 3 ft. in width with a fast growing rate.
Botanical Name: Tagetes lemmonii
Native to Mexico, these fast growing shrubs are distinctive with their stylish yellow flower between summer and fall. With occasional watering and moderate sunlight...
Botanical Name: Pittosporum tobira
Have a moderate growth rate growing about 2 ft. per year in full or partial sunlight. Bloom beautifully in spring and summer. These shrubs have a mature size of ...
Botanical Name: Anigozanthos 'Orange Cross'
A brass-like shrub with a moderate growth rate and medium-sized (4 ft. in height and 2 ft, in width). These plants blossom with red-orange flowers in the...
Botanical Name: Bougainvillea 'Orange King'
A climbing vine with blood-orange flowers all-year long. These vines are fast growing and require minimal to moderate maintenance. Water regular and expo...
Botanical Name: Bougainvillea 'Orange King'
A moderate growing hybrid shrub between Asia and Japan with a unuique appearance. Their average maturing size is 2 ft. in height and 2 ft. in width
Botanical Name: Lantana camara 'Radiation
Native to Mexico, these moderate growing shrubs show-off their beauty with their red, orange, and yellow flower colors between spring to fall. They mature ...
Botanical Name: Cistus x purpureus
A beautiful European native shrub with round-like purple-pink flowers between spring to summer. These fast growing shrubs are a great accent to any style of garde...
Botanical Name: Loropetalum chinense 'Razzle-Dazzle'
A moderate growing Asian shrub with burgandy-pink flowers between spring to summer. Their maturing size is 6 ft. in height and 6 ft. in width. T...
Botanical Name: Rhaphiolepis indica 'Pink Lady'
Native to Asia, these moderate growing shrubs cluster with pink flowers in the spring and average at 4 ft. in height with 4 ft. in width. They have a...
Botanical Name: Muhlenbergia capillaris
Great for any landscape or garden space in need of color due its perfect burgandy-pinkish color. Requires low maintenance and care, which is why it's a favo...
Botanical Name: Camellia japonica 'Spellbound'
These shrubs blossom with fluffy pink flowers from winter to beginning of spring and make a great accent plant to any garden type. They have a moderat...